Monday, July 9, 2012

Golden Dawn History 2007

2007--Expansion of Golden Dawn in Denver, Colorado USA

Due to the never-ending problems of the Golden Dawn trademark battle, Bast Temple drops all mention of being "Hermetic Order" from their rituals, and changes its official Order name to Ba Iset Order of the Rosy Cross (Golden Dawn in the Outer)--BIOGD/BIORC.

First Bast Temple led Open Full Moon Ritual (Hearthstone Community Church). This becomes an annual tradition for Bast Temple; starting in 2008, the Bast Temple OFM is typically done in June.

Morgan Drake Eckstein publishes Golden Dawn Rituals Volume One--Neophyte Ritual: Three Officer Version, a modified version of the ritual as used by Bast Temple (BIORC) through the print-on-demand service Lulu. It would be in print for one year before being withdrawn for expansion; ongoing time management problems would delay its re-release for years. (In 2012, an ebook version of the three officer version would be released through Smashwords.)

Thoth Amen-Ra, an independent GD lodge, opens its doors in Denver.

Thoth Hermes also starts operations in Denver. Originally, a lodge of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, the lodge will switch in 2011 to the Order of the Golden Dawn/Collegium Spiritu Sancti.

The creation of Thoth Amen-Ra and Thoth Hermes brings the number of functional Golden Dawn lodges in Denver, Colorado up to three. This allows the members of the Denver Golden Dawn community to be able to locate the "right lodge" for their individual tastes.

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